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The CIRP conference on Manufacturing Systems is an annual event,
that in 2025 will be held at the University of Twente.

The Department of Design, Production and Management
welcomes you to participate in this conference,
which attracts academics and researchers
in the field of Manufacturing Systems to meet,
engage and share about their R&D findings. 

Organizing committee

Prof.dr.-ing. Sebastian Thiede Roy Damgrave Tom Vaneker Shun Yang

Inge Dos Santos-Smit

Scientif Committee

Prof. Fazel Ansari - Austria
Prof. Andreas Archenti - Sweden
Prof. Jan Aurich - Germany
Prof. Paulo Bártolo - Singapore
Prof. Olga Battaia - France
Prof. Thomas Bergs - Germany
Prof. Alessandra Caggiano - Italy
Prof. Emanuele Carpanzano - Switzerland
Prof. Darek Ceglarek - United Kingdom
Prof. Marcello Colledani - Italy
Prof. Doriana D’Addona - Italy
Dr. Roy Damgrave - The Netherlands
Prof. Oliver Damm - South Africa
Prof. Berend Denkena - Germany
Prof. Franz Dietrich - Germany
Prof. Bogdan Epureanu - USA
Prof. John Erkoyuncu - United Kingdom
Prof. Jürgen Fleischer - Germany
Prof. Jörg Franke - Germany
Prof. Maurizio Galetto - Italy
Prof. Peihua Gu - China
Prof. Christoph Herrmann - Germany
Prof. I.S. Jawahir - USA
Prof. Bayu Jayawardhana - The Netherlands
Prof. Sami Kara - Australia
Prof. Peter Krajnik - Sweden
Prof. Jörg Kruger - Germany
Prof. Bernd Kuhlenkötter - Germany
Prof. Soundar Kumara - USA
Prof. Gisela Lanza - Germany
Prof. Bert Lauwers - Belgium
Dr. Xingyu Li - USA
Prof. Louis Louw - South Africa
Prof. Eric Lutters - The Netherlands
Dr. Maria-Chiara Magnanini - Italy

Prof. Vidosav Majstorovic - Serbia
Prof. Sotiris Makris - Greece
Prof. Paul Mativenga - United Kingdom
Prof. Laszlo Monostori - Hungary
Prof. Giovanni Moroni - Italy
Prof. Dimitris Mourtzis - Greece

Prof. Aydin Nassehi - United Kingdom
Prof. Stephen Newman - United Kingdom
Prof. Nariaki Nishino - Japan
Prof. Soh Khim Ong - Singapore
Prof. Nikolaos Papakostas - Ireland

Dr. Francesco Pilati - Italy
Prof. Goran Putnik - Portugal
Prof. Annika Raatz - Germany
Prof. Andreas Riel - France
Prof. Lionel Roucoules - France
Prof. Rajkumar Roy - United Kingdom
Prof. Natasha Sacks - South Africa
Prof. Tomohiko Sakao - Sweden
Prof. Benjamin Schleich - Germany
Prof. Corné Schutte - South Africa
Prof. Rainer Stark - Germany
Prof. John Sutherland - USA
Prof. Roberto Teti - Italy
Prof. Sebastian Thiede - The Netherlands
Prof. Kirsten Tracht - Germany
Prof. Yasushi Umeda - Japan
Prof. Marcello Urgo - Italy
Prof. Jozsef Vancza - Hungary
Dr. Tom Vaneker - The Netherlands
Prof. Rok Vrabič - Slovenia
Prof. Lihui Wang - Sweden
Prof. Vincent Wang - Sweden
Prof. Matthias Weigold - Germany
Prof. Robert Wilhelm - USA
Prof. Jose Yagüe-Fabra - Spain
Dr. Shun Yang - The Netherlands
Dr. Eduardo Zancul - Brazil
Dr. Yicha Zhang - France
Prof. Christian Ramsauer - Austria



Submission of full manuscript, also if no abstract was submitted.


University of Twente


The Horst Building

University of Twente 

13 - 16 April 2025 

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