Please note that this website is constantly being updated, so keep an eye on this page for more information on abstracts, paper submissions and eventually the programmes.
​The 58th CIRP CMS 2025 conference aims to provide researchers and industry specialists in production technology with a global venue for exchanging ideas, discuss innovations, while disseminating cutting-edge research under the main conference theme of Next Generation Manufacturing Systems.
Specifically, CMS2025 welcomes contributions on:
Sustainable and Circular Manufacturing
Resilient Manufacturing Systems
Internet of Things and Smart Sensing
Smart Factories
Digital Twinning and Digital Twin strategies
Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 and beyond
Adaptive and Responsive Value Networks
Additive and Digital Manufacturing
Robotic Systems
Human-Machine Cooperation
Planning of supply chains and layouts in networked manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The abstract submission for the CIRP CMS 2025 is now closed.
Yet, you are most welcome to submit a full manuscript,
as submission of an abstract
is not mandatory.
All abstracts that were submitted have been reviewed, and the authors received feedback.
The deadline for handing in the manuscript is scheduled
for 15-11-2024.
Please be aware that no further extension of the deadline is foreseen due to the strict timeline.
The review of the manuscript will be done by the members of the Scientific Committee, under auspices of the Organising Committee and CIRP STC O.
Notification of manuscript acceptance is scheduled
for 17-01-2025.
Manuscripts can be submitted via the Elsevier Editorial Manager.
Manuscript should be in line with the overarching topics of the conference.
The length of the manuscript is strictly restricted to 6 pages, including references.
Manuscript should be prepared using the official template provided by Elsevier, which can be downloaded via the button below.
During the final submission, Elsevier requires a PDF version of your manuscript as well as a .doc/.docx or .tex version.
Please note: for every separate publication, one registration is required.